Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Week of Exploring

Happy to say no more earthquakes (I now have an earthquake app on my Bbry) but we did have an amazing wind storm.  Really strong winds coming from the south blow across the ocean with no land masses to slow them down which means although they aren't cold they are incredible strong when the hit to

Wellington.  I guess they don't call it Windy-Wellington for nothing.  It only lasted a couple of days and then the weather returned to sunny and warm.  Spring is arriving steadily.

So this week I spent some time to explore the city a bit more and ventured out to a few surrounding small villages including Pitone and Miramar where many of the Peter Jackson fantasy films- Lord of the Rings, King Kong, The Hobbit to name only a few were created and filmed.
Looking out over Lambton harbour in Wellington
 So, I wandered into town and along the way passed the Old St. Paul Church, it is over 200 years old and built with all native wood.  It also saw off many an American stationed there as they headed of to WW2, hence the American flag with one less star (Hawaii hadn't joined confederation).

Then it was off to the botanical gardens to catch some of the spring blooms. We were a about a week early for the tulips but the magnolias were out.

Now off to Petone, a small town with an artisian well at its centre.  People come from all around to fill containers to take home.  Also home a a fabulous tiny movie theatre that is in a beautiful old building.  The theatre is full of character and hosts a small cafe so you could have a light meal, including a glass of wine or coffee and take it into the theatre to watch your big screen movie.  The seats are two-seater sofas, with attached coffee table on the arm.  Very cozy.

Next is Miramar and a tour of Wetacave where the production of all the characters for the movies I mentioned earlier.  We went inside the creative studio where we were told and shown how all the characters came to be.  What an amazing and time consuming process.  No wonder why these films have millions of dollar budgets.


From Wetacave we headed to have lunch at the Roxy theatre that Peter Jackson  built in Miramar.  The Roxy is a beautiful art deco style building made just to have the best movie experience you could imagine.  We will head back to make an evening of it - dinner in Coco restaurant, drinks at the lounge and deliciously rich coffee after as we watch our movie.  Truly a special night out.  I think we may have to dress up!

Next week I am off to Auckland so will have a new landscape to talk about as I move from eathquake area to volcanos.


  1. which of those guys is your new boyfriend??

    If nothing else, they TOWER over you - THAT must feel GOOD (even if they are statues!).

    Love this blog! And, you're quite the photographer, which I NEVER KNEW!

    Awesome pictures!!

  2. Haha, I was going to lift the loin cloth to see if he was anatomically correct
